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Archive for the 'Soap box' Category

Kiwis take South Island for granted


by Matt CrittonMilford Sound

I consider myself one of the lucky ones. I have experienced the South Island first hand.

Sorry, Lord of the Rings, your mystical portrayals are now history to me.

However, I had to travel some 10,000kms in order to do so.

You Kiwis on the other hand are the real lucky ones. Read more

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We all love to hate America


by Matt CrittonAmerican flag

Let me start off by saying I am proud of my roots. Yes, proud to be an American.

Perhaps coming to new Zealand has helped to strengthen my feeling of patriotism towards a country that is constantly slammed and ridiculed for being the big brother of the new world.

We have all heard the saying that with power comes responsibility, but with power also comes envy, hatred, and finger pointing towards those few who control it. Read more


Te Waha Nui’s religious debate


by Justin Henehan

The perennial debate about religion has spilled onto the pages of Te Waha Nui…well, sort of.

Two opinion pieces from Dan Satherley and Dylan Quinnell seemed to line each other up and charge, only to pass like trains in the night. I was disappointed, as disappointed as I am in my lazy use of a mixed metaphor.

So what did they write? Read more

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Dogs don’t bite people


by Geraldine RoperPossisble dangerous dog

‘Dogs don’t bite people; people who own dangerous dogs let them bite people.’
Or do they…

Who is responsible when a dog attacks? The dog itself? Or the owner who lets the dog loose in a public place?

This issue has once again been raised after the recent attack on two-year-old Aotea Cox. Read more

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by Bex Appleton

I hate to be the bearer of negativity, but New Zealand textaholism is an increasing epidemic that just doesn’t seem to bear an end.

It is dangerously stripping us of etiquette, personality, communication abilities and intellect – we are become stupider!

In today’s fast society it is easy to desire gratification instantly, and there seems no better way of getting this fix than to flick someone a text. Read more

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Should pregnant women be served alcohol?


by Bex Appleton

A pregnant woman was questioned and reprimanded by a bartender when she ordered a light alcoholic beverage at an Auckland bar recently.

What use to be seen as a ‘no no’ for pregnant women now appears to be slipping into an acceptable trend, with the likes of Gwyneth Paltrow being seen drinking a beer while pregnant with baby number two.

Studies show 50 per cent of women in New Zealand believe drinking some alcohol during pregnancy is acceptable. Read more

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Earthquake confounds media


by Michele Coelho

News of an earthquake next to NZ, and the danger of an impending tsunami almost meant Auckland city would be destroyed.

The earthquake took place 475km south of NZ near an archipelago known as the Auckland Islands.

But to some parts of the world, the news was that the tremor had happened next to Auckland city. Read more

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My hunt for Kiwi tucker


by Michele Coelho

Excuse me, Sir? Where can I find a New Zealand restaurant?

That is one of the many question visitors, backpackers and international students ask as soon as they arrive here.

But getting an answer to that question is harder than you may think. Read more

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Climate change: One step forwards, three steps back


by Lydia BrewerThe ‘leaders’ of the world met in Sydney for the much anticipated Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation (APEC) summit earlier this month.

Along with other important global issues, sustainability and climate change was on the agenda.

So, with the amount of carbon emissions being produced by Read more

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Telephone dies tragic death


by Lydia Brewer 

A deathly silence descends upon homes across the world…

The phone doesn’t ring any more.

The ringing telephone has been replaced with the clatter of keyboards and dull hum of computers.

It has been replaced by a myriad of social networking sites, text messaging and email. Read more

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