Future Citizen 2.0.

by Grace Honney
Lately it feels like all hear around me are words like “blog”, “chunking” and the “Web 2.0″.
While these terms may be unfamiliar to luddites and those of a certain age, they are fast becoming part of everyday language.
Many of you reading this probably spend a lot of time on the internet, and believe that anyone who does not is from the dark ages. I, however, am a member of ‘Generation Y’ and I do not even have a MySpace page (even John Howard has one).
Although my affiliation with Generation Y was determined by my birth date, I have not yet joined the ranks of Citizen 2.0 - an offshoot of Generation Y who are used to rapid technological change, and so connected that they often work, blog, and message friends simultaneously.
So what does this mean for the future? According to Europe’s leading futurist, Dr Patrick Dixon, Citizen 2.0 will be the adult of tomorrow and they will dictate the way in which the world works.
In a recent theage.com.au business article, author Greg Muller believes that Citizen 2.0 will be a challenging consumer.
“Citizen 2.0 will expect harmonised instant service and highly tailored solutions. Their tolerance for today’s slow, siloed approaches will be low.”
I can certainly see where Citizen 2.0 is coming from, so it is no wonder that we have often been described as a generation who wants it and wants it now, and businesses will have no choice but to keep up.
So now I have to take the next step to becoming one. You might even see me on MySpace. Or is it Facebook now?