CityBeat: From the blogs

Blog: A letter to Pita Sharples

Shame on you Pita. I had high hopes for you in November last year, and all you’ve seemed to do is roll over at the slightest mention of a tummy-scratch from your old mat Johnny Boy. Backing the new ACC levies? How could you. Aren’t you meant to be the champion of those over-represented in both those receiving health care and those over-represented in the poverty stakes? While you let that cunt Nick Smith rob this country of one of the things that makes it a great place to live – universal access to affordable public healthcare – you busy yourself with trivialities like securing rights to the Rugby World Cup for Maori Television. Who cares if Maori Television gets the rights? What lasting triumph would this for Maori? Any revenue generated would go straight back to your mate Johnny Boy, and if you think people would embrace te reo by staying on to watch Maori Television after the game, you’d be wrong.

To be fair, Maori Television didn’t get a fair run in either TV3 or The Herald. Ali Ikram and his unbridled “comedy” spot on Nightline was nothing more than a bad taste “joke” verging on racism. The Herald ran a front-pager about Maori Television’s bid that ignored the fact they would sub-contract the broadcasting to any areas that Maori TV doesn’t cover. However, all that aside, it’s still a waste of time.

Give me Maori representation on the super city over a rugby game any day.

Pita, tsk tsk tsk. The only thing you’ve done lately that has excited me is meeting with the Mongrel Mob. All those moaning about $6000 of taxpayer money going to a meeting with criminals are the same ones who were all for Obama making a u-turn from Bush’s policies by announcing he was open to talking with terrorists. Hypocrites.

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