CityBeat: Auckland news

“Mo Bros” get ready for Movember

Movember is drawing near and people are using novel new methods to raise funds for prostate cancer.

Movember is an annual, month-long celebration of the moustache, highlighting men’s health issues, specifically prostate cancer and depression in men.

It starts on November 1.

Alastair Gray is a student at AUT and hopes to raise money for the cause.

“I’m looking for sponsorship from my friends.

“I’ll be posting photos on Facebook and Twitter every few days to show everyone my progress.”

He is confident that marketing himself on new media will be more effective than just using word of mouth.

He bears the title of “Mo Bro”, and is proud to wear a moustache to fund the cause.

“When you see another Mo Bro it is a sign of respect.

“ It’s like a secret society but everyone can see it.”

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