CityBeat - Auckland

Art Gallery Update


Auckland Art Gallery in progress

Auckland Art Gallery in progress

The Auckland Art Gallery is being renovated to better attract international exhibitions and better connect with Albert Park.

Gallery director Chris Saines said to TVNZ “Finally we’ve got a building that instead of closing its eyes to the city, it opens them to the city.”

Announced in late 2008, the project should be done by early 2011 at a cost of $113 million.

The renovations will provide 50 per cent more space for collections as well as touring national and international exhibitions.

The floor area will be 75 per cent larger with new areas for education, events, interactive spaces for children and families, and better connections to Albert Park.

The timeline on the Art Gallery’s website says that by December this year the first and second floors will be completed.

The Central government is contributing $30 million over four years, Auckland City Council is contributing $48.1 million and the Auckland Art Gallery Foundation has committed to raising $33.4 million.

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