
Mixed responses to super city from Rodney residents

Rodney farmer Hilary Allen is looking forward to less squabbling under the super city.

Rodney farmer Hilary Allen is looking forward to less squabbling under the super city.

Dramatic changes in store for Rodney when the district is subsumed into the so-called “super city” have brought mixed responses from residents.

Rodney District mayor Penny Webster says since Rodney is predominantly a rural district it therefore cannot be managed in the same way as Auckland’s metropolitan areas.

“It appears it may be the end of Rodney as we know it,” she told Te Waha Nui Online.

Orewa resident Diane Daniels says she is concerned that Rodney residents will lose their unique identity and be under-represented on the Auckland council.

“I’m concerned the people in this area won’t have enough voice for the population up here.”

Mrs Daniels says she finds it strange the district will be connected to the North Shore, as Rodney is generally so different from places such as Takapuna.

Mrs Webster expressed her concerns before the Royal Commission into Auckland Council released its report this month.

But now she says so long as Rodney residents continue to receive sealed roads, clean beaches and good rates, she will be satisfied.

Dairy Flat farmer Hilary Allen says she is looking forward to a unified Auckland.

“I’m all for being part of the super city. I find the endless local council squabbles frustrating. I want a good strong leader who will make decisions for everyone.”

Mrs Allen says she is enthusiastic about issues such as transport and rates being re-evaluated once the super city is formed.

Mrs Webster says details of Rodney’s involvement in the super city are being discussed with local government minister Rodney Hide.

At present it appears the super city council will comprise 20 councillors - 12 ward councillors and eight elected at large

A single mayor will head the new council, which could also feature up to 30 community boards to represent local communities.

Details of the changes to Rodney will be finalised by the beginning of next year.

This will allow changes to be put into place in time for the local government elections in October 2010.


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