
Kiwis keep caring during recession


Kiwis continue to support fair trade products and those people in need, regardless of the nation’s impending economic woes.

While jobs are cut and businesses rein in spending, Trade Aid general manager Geoff White says fair trade purchases are up.

Trade Aid’s wholesale fair trade product sales are up a noteable 27% from last year.

Trade Aid’s overall retail sales are up 2% from February 2008 to 2009, although same-store sales (excluding the sales from any new stores) are down 3%.

“In the scheme of things, that is a pretty reasonable response,” White says.

He says Trade Aid is also beginning to see a swing back up in sales from New Year.

White says the recession is forcing people to think more about how they spend their money - and it seems this is leading to more responsible and philanthropic purchases.

“I think as consumers have to think about their purchases a little bit more our sales go up.

“I tend to think people show more empathy when times get tough.”

NZ Red Cross communications advisor Kelly Mitchell says it is too early to tell what kind of effect the recession will have upon New Zealanders’ spending habits.

She agrees, however, that New Zealanders continue to give their money ungrudgingly during tougher economic times.

“In times of need New Zealanders are still very generous.” She notes the huge appeal NZ Red Cross raised during the recent Victorian bush fires.

She also points to the role of op shops during the recession.

“When times are tough often op shop purchases increase.”

Both organisations are currently developing strategies to deal with the looming recession.

White says it is important for Trade Aid to continue hiring workers and purchasing products from developing countries during these more trying economic times, supporting countries which are bound to suffer severely from the recession.

“During a recession the number of people in need is going to increase,” he says. “For us it’s really important to keep our purchasing up.”

“We’re trying to buy as much as we can.”

Mitchell says dealing with the recession for NZ Red Cross will be “very much a juggling act”.

“We need to continue to deliver and adapt.”


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