
Database links past, present and future

A new online database will help create and store history for members of the Chinese community looking to find their ancestral roots.

The database, Chinese Online Communities, is a joint venture between the New Zealand Chinese Association Auckland Inc and the Auckland City Libraries.

National vice-president of NZCA Virginia Chong says the site is a place to share stories and a tool for researching genealogy.

“It’s a place where the Chinese people can record their own history and store it for other people to see.”

House president of the New Zealand Society of Genealogists Jan Gow says the popularity of genealogical research has increased with television shows such as British series Who do you think you are? in which celebrities go in search of their family trees.

“People are talking about it quite a lot now.

“It’s all about the thrill of the chase. It’s a really special feeling finding your ancestors. It’s about meeting a challenge.”

Acting group manager for Auckland City Libraries Sue Cooper says interest in genealogy is “absolutely burgeoning”.

“It’s a sign that New Zealand is growing up. We’re all immigrants and there’s a need to document our family history.”

Chong says the new database is “for the community, by the community” and is dependent on people contributing.

The site will allow contributors to upload stories, photos, videos and audio files and will have the option to share the information or make it private.

“It’s a live document that will be constantly evolving over time.”

Sue says the database will act as a trial run and, depending on its success, may be applied to other communities.

The site is still undergoing development and testing, but will be officially launched in July at the upcoming Bananas Conference, which celebrates Chinese communities in New Zealand and overseas.

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