
University photo students make the change to digital

Digital technologies are taking over everywhere, and this is being reflected in how AUT University runs its photography department.

The university’s photography curriculum is changing progressively from analogue to digital and the resources for using analogue are increasingly being cut out.

Students are being further encouraged to use digital because of its prevalence in the industry.

Head of photography at AUT Ingrid Boberg thinks analogue and digital photography both have their places in the contemporary art world and both practices and their processes are pertinent to a sound education.

“However we have decided to change our photography from analogue to digital because it is cheaper, faster and will be more relevant for students entering the work force,” she says.

A third year photography major, Natasha Pearl, believes her work is not as vibrant and does not look as good when she uses digital.

“I have been using analogue since I was in high school and it a real change to be using digital now. My work is flat looking when I use digital,” says Pearl.

Although there are downsides to using analogue, some students believe there are positive aspects, and that the university is trying to keep up with the way the world is changing so students do not fall behind.

A third-year graphic design student, Eline Havard, does not take the same view as Pearl. She believes changing to digital cameras cuts out a lot of time and money.

“It affects my work in a good way because it is quicker. I am also able to do more technical stuff and to check that I have the photo right then and there which is extremely helpful especially when you are on a tight deadline,” says Havard.

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