
Locals band together to save church

It is truly a community affair as local groups in Mt Eden join forces to upgrade a local icon.

The Mt Eden Village Society Centre, the Methodist Church and the Eden-Albert Community Board are working together to restore the historic Mt Eden Rd church and hall into a community facility.

The hall was destined to be redesigned as a commercial site for shops and had resource consent, but strong local opposition stopped the plan going ahead.

Community board member Virginia Chong says the hall is the only community facility from Sandringham Rd to Gillies Ave in Epsom.

“We were not prepared to sit and let it disappear.”

Village society centre member Penny Hansen says the change of plan is a win for both the community and the church.

“It was a victory in finding a way to work together. All the problems are in the past now.”

The annex that joined the church with the hall, which was used as a Sunday school, was destroyed by a fire several years ago.

The project will reconnect the church with the hall and will provide a new kitchen and toilet facilities. The exterior will also be repainted and the interior refurbished.

It is projected to cost around $1.5 million.

Some funding has been guaranteed, but the three parties, which have formed a trust, are still seeking additional funding.

Dr Bill Peddie, who looks after the Mt Eden church, says the partnership between the three parties is unique.

“Usually churches do their own thing and offer their place for hire. The trust will lease the premises from the church which has ownership of the land and the building.”

Dr Peddie says the church, which was established in 1899, has lost some of its character by doing things “on the cheap”.

“Its historic value will be increased by tidying up the premises.”

Chong says she is keen to get the project done before the proposed super city structure takes effect.

“We’ve waited a long time for this. It’s been about six years in the making.”

During the construction period, which is hoped to begin next January and finish in August 2010, Dr Peddie says the church will “either find some way of keeping the hall open, or shift to another church”.

Dr Peddie says the community has been extremely supportive of the project.

“There is enough goodwill in the community to ensure we won’t lose sight of what we’re aiming to do.”

Hansen says the hall is already used by several local groups, but hopes the new development will encourage more people to use the facility.

“The motto for Mt Eden is ‘The place where people meet’ and the church will be the heart of the place.”

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One comment for “Locals band together to save church”

  1. Good to hear a spiritual centre in Mt Eden will be retained. Shops are for profit only, Churches contain lots of memories and good vibes. Preserve it for the future..

    Posted by Nancy Young | May 27, 2009, 8:55 pm

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