
Balmoral food-fight goes before consent hearing


The ongoing fight between a group of community activists in Mt Albert and a fast-food giant is scheduled to take another turn, with both sides planning to attend a hearing set down for June 8.

The eight-day resource consent hearing is the latest chapter in a conflict that began two years ago, when McDonald’s announced to locals that it was planning a new restaurant on the corner of the Balmoral Rd and Dominion Rd interchange.

Most recently, the Auckland City Council released a report stating that of the 872 submissions received on McDonald’s development plans, 860 were opposed, and the council ultimately recommended that consent be refused.

Concerned locals formed a collective – the Balmoral Community Group – and decided to try to stop the new restaurant from opening.

McDonald’s plans are to build its largest ever restaurant in New Zealand, which would include a 24-hour drive-through, seating for 159, and 68 car parks.

Group member Cliff Bateman says their opposition is not to new businesses or restaurants in the area, but specifically to what McDonald’s is planning.

“There’s development, and there’s appropriate development.

“We have nothing against McDonald’s. We just think it’s a really stupid place to put [a restaurant],” he says.

Bateman says a number of factors are involved in his group’s decision to oppose the development by McDonald’s.

“There is a size, scope and impact dimension to this that there is not to others.

“The intrusive quality is beyond the pale.”

Bateman says one of the main problems with the McDonald’s proposed development is the resulting increase in traffic in the area.

His group assembled volunteers to drive as if they were going to the McDonald’s site, and modelled the traffic flows.

He says there were a number of near-accidents, and believes this is evidence that should the development go ahead an already busy road would be gridlocked.

The protest group has received letters of support from their then-Member of Parliament, Helen Clark, and current Mt Albert Green Party candidate Dr Russel Norman.

It has also recently received communications from both National Party Mt Albert candidate Melissa Lee and Labour candidate David Shearer, who are interested to hear the group’s views.

The hearing will provide a forum for both sides of the argument to be heard, and Mr Bateman acknowledges that should his group be ruled against they will have few options left.

“The next step – should we lose – will be going to the Environment Court. That would be a six-figure process.”

Bateman insists his group is willing to go down that path if necessary.

The hearing is scheduled to take place at the Auckland Deaf Society building at 164 Balmoral Rd, Mt Eden, from June 8 to 16.

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